You Are Welcome!

Welcome to West Vancouver United Church where we are growing together in a new community of faith. We understand that you may be a little nervous your first time here. You may wonder who will sit beside you and whether anyone will speak to you. If you are coming with children, you may be curious to know what programs will be offered. If you have been away from church for a while or have never set foot inside a worship space before, please know that we value the opportunity to help you feel at home.
There is lots of parking on surrounding streets and in our large parking lot behind the church building.
Our church building is wheelchair accessible from the center doors on Esquimalt Avenue, as well as the rear doors from the parking lot. The chapel is a convenient location for wheelchairs where those in wheelchairs can sit along side family members and caregivers. There is also a wheelchair elevator to access the church hall. An accessible washroom is available for your convenience.

Hearing assisted equipment is available upon request from an usher, and screens throughout the worship space help to follow the service for those who are visually challenged.

Large print bulletins that outline the order of service are available from ushers.
All the doors to the church are open on a Sunday morning and when you enter, simply follow signs that direct you to the “Sanctuary” (or follow the crowd!).

At the entrance to the sanctuary, you will be greeted by an usher offering you a warm smile and handshake, and providing you with a printed bulletin that outlines the order of the worship service (what happens and when it happens) as well as other programs taking place throughout the month in this busy 7 day a week church.

Before the service begins reflective music will be played on either the piano or organ.
You are welcome to sit wherever you would like in the sanctuary (don’t worry, there are no reserved pews!). Occasionally, the front pew is reserved for communion servers or special guests.

Analyn Rivera Sunday Nursery Program

There is a nursery available for infants to 3 years of age every Sunday – just ask one of the ushers for directions.

You can find out more about Analyn Rivera, who cares for our Sunday Nursery Program here.

At 10am, the first hymn begins. The hymn number is posted at the front of the sanctuary, as well as in your bulletin. The hymn will also appear on the screens/monitors. If you wish to sing from the red Voices United hymn book simply turn to the corresponding hymn number. The choir enters from the back, walking down the centre aisle, followed by those leading the service.

For the next hour or so the service unfolds, including a brief time for children and youth on the steps at the front of the worship space before being invited to Sunday Club with their leaders. Throughout the remainder of the service you will be invited to engage with the singing of hymns, prayers, reflect on music offered by the choir, Scripture, and a reflection on the intersection of faith and life known as the sermon, and possibly a creed from Christian tradition. Each service includes the opportunity to offer a monetary gift which supports the mission of the church. Some of the offering goes to fund the local ministries of West Vancouver United Church, and some of it goes to support mission projects across Canada and around the world. Feel free to give whatever you can to support the mission to which God calls us.

People in the congregation may participate in services lighting the Christ Candle, reading scriptures and leading prayers.

The service is live streamed on this website [click here] each Sunday morning starting at 10 a.m. You can also check out a growing archive of past services.

When you attend worship, if you wish to sit beyond the view of our cameras, you will want to sit in the back 7 rows of pews, the outer ends of pews outside of the wooden pillars, or in the chapel.

Children and youth who wish to participate in the conversation at the front of the worship space but wish to remain beyond the view of the cameras will want to stay on the right side (in front of the choir) of the steps at the front. We ask all parents to complete a signed waiver indicating if they give permission for children and youth to appear in the live streamed and archived services.

Please be aware that recording devices may be in use!

After the service the minister usually greets people on their way out of one of the doors of the worship space. If you came with children who are not yet in grade 4, please make sure you gather them from the Children’s Sanctuary (room 303 – upstairs). Young people in grade 4 and up are excused on their own to reunite with their family.

We hope you are able to stay for coffee and tea in the church hall. If you’d like to meet some new people, a great place to start is the Welcome Table located in the church hall.
At West Vancouver United Church, we believe that all are welcome at the Lord’s table.

Those who wish their life to be spiritually strengthened are invited to receive the bread and cup. Whenever possible we encourage children and youth to return to worship and participate in Communion with their family or friends.

Communion is served four times throughout the year. Sometimes we are invited to come forward to receive communion and at other times we are served as we sit in the pews.

We offer gluten free wafers for those needing an alternate to bread.
Anyone who wishes to live their life in faith is welcomed to be baptized at West Vancouver United Church - you need not be a member of this church.

Baptisms take place at our Sunday service and are arranged by request. There is no age limit regarding when to be baptized; we enjoy the experience of this meaningful rite with infants to senior citizens.

An appointment with the Minister is necessary to start the process.

Please call the church office if you need more information.
if you are looking for a place to refresh your spirit consider this worship space. Each Sunday, i leave refreshed, quieted and inspired. The sermons are profound and cause you to think and reflect, the music is inspirational and energizing and then there are the children. They are a source of wisdom and joy as is the other generations that are part of this congregation.
Judy Grafton

Our Ministry Team

We look forward to seeing you this Sunday at 10am and exploring together our common meaning and purpose as people of faith in this time and place.



T: (604) 922-9171