Serving at West Van United

Serve with purpose - for the flourishing of all.

Together, we are the Church

Faith isn’t just for us. Living the way of Jesus is about being a blessing to others for the flourishing of all. At West Van United, we do this in so many ways. Our hope is that as you grow to find yourself at home here, that you’d find a place where you can come alive in new ways by living out your faith. After all, we don’t go to Church, we are the Church. All of us, together.

Below are some of the different volunteer teams that help bring our vision to life on the North Shore and beyond. If you find one that looks like it might be a good fit, fill out the “Serving at West Van United” form, and we will be in touch.

Ways to serve

  • Help bring Sunday mornings to life through creativity and beauty.

    • Choir

    • Flower team

    • Sanctuary banner design team

  • Do you have a heart for those who are hurting or lonely? Our care teams offer comfort and support inside and beyond our walls.

    • Care Home Service team

    • Friendly Visitor team

    • Social Isolation Delivery team

    • Sunday Prayer team

  • Hospitality is all about helping others feel at home.

    • Sunday Coffee team

    • Sunday Facebook Host team

    • Sunday Greeting team

    • Sunday Club Snack team

    • Welcome Table Host

    • Youth Group Meals team

  • This world is not as it ought to be. Be part of its mending, Jesus’ way.

    • Refugee Sponsorship team

  • Support is about making a difference either behind the scenes or by offering assistance where it is needed.

    • AV team

    • Communion prep helper

    • Office front desk

    • Sunday Club helper

    • Sunday Prayer leader

    • Sunday Scripture reader

    • Treasure Trove Pop-Up Sale team

    • Treasure Trove Store team

    • Treasure Trove Sorting team

    • Youth Group helper

  • If there is something on your heart - a new ministry idea, a new initiative or event - that you'd like to be part of getting off the ground, let us know on the Serving at West Van United form.
